Resources for Parents
A Resource Page Parents Can Come To for Support
Little Miracles Home Health wants to give our parents in our community a resource page they can come to for support.
Aaron's Tracheostomy Page - This is a website created by a parent of a child with a tracheostomy.
Feeding Tube - This page is for enteral tube feeding information by Avanos Medical.
Morgan's Wonderland - This is a wonderful park in San Antonio, TX created by a parent with a child with special needs.
Texas Kids' Waivers - This is a website to help clarify the Texas Medicaid Waiver Programs available to children in Texas.
Alberto N. VS. Hawkins 2016 - This case was a milestone for children with special needs and their families. The outcome of the case ensures that children with special needs receive all medically necessary care they require. To learn more about this case please follow this link.
Protect Texas' Fragile Kids - This is a website/organization founded and run by parents of medically fragile Texas children to help advocate these special children's needs.
Disability Rights Texas is the federally designated legal
protection and advocacy agency for people with disabilities
in Texas. Our mission is to help people with disabilities
understand and exercise their rights under the law, ensuring
their full and equal participation in society. Disability Rights Texas PDF
- Pediatric Supportive Palliative Care
PSPC helps with communication:
- Clear explanation of your child’s illness and treatment care options
- Enhanced communication and coordination with all of your child’s medical teams
- Counseling about what to expect in the hospital, clinic and at home when caring for your child
- Relationship-building with your child and family and identifying what is important to you
- Guidance throughout your child’s illness, support for complex medical decisions and help with future care plans
PSPC helps with comfort and bonding:
- Easing your child’s pain and other symptoms associated with their illness by considering medications as well as non-medicine options to help them feel as good as possible
- Providing emotional validation for lived experiences
- Offering spiritual care services for your child and family
- Psychosocial screening and support for your child and family including siblings (ex. mental health, bereavement, financial, housing, schooling)
- Facilitating and celebrating normal family and life moments such as birthdays, holidays and milestones
PSPC helps with coordination:
- Following your child in and out of the hospital to ensure smooth inpatient to outpatient transitions
- Ongoing closed-loop communication with all care teams
- Assisting with community resource connections

The information and resources on this page and related social networks are for networking and educational purposes only. This website and its resources are not engaged in rendering medical, pharmaceutical, therapeutic nor legal advice. The information provided through these pages or any links from this website should not be used as a substitute for professional advice by qualified doctors and/or therapists.